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Discover the exact formula that stops anxiety ruling your child’s life in 60 minutes!

Discover the exact formula that stops anxiety ruling your child’s life in 90 minutes!

"Before I met Sue, I felt overwhelmed and helpless to support my child through her anxiety journey. After my first session with Sue, I implemented a couple of simple tips and the results were immediate and I wanted more!

Not only has my journey with Sue changed my child's life, and my relationship with my children, I also have a greater understanding of myself and can navigate obstacles more easily now."

- Katherine M.

Discover the exact
formula that stops
anxiety ruling your
child’s life in 90 minutes!

Get your FREE 5 Steps to Combatting Anxiety eBook

You're about to discover the secret to radically reducing your child’s anxiety.

Are you ready to take action?

Get your FREE 5 Steps to Combatting Anxiety eBook

You're about to discover the secret to radically reducing your child’s anxiety.

Are you ready to take action?

"Before I met Sue, I felt overwhelmed and helpless to support my child through her anxiety journey. After my first session with Sue, I implemented a couple of simple tips and the results were immediate and I wanted more!

Not only has my journey with Sue changed my child's life, and my relationship with my children, I also have a greater understanding of myself and can navigate obstacles more easily now."

- Katherine M.

Winner of Global Award!

I am beyond honoured to announce that I have been named winner of the prestigious Global Women of Influence Awards 2024! Out of 350 incredible nominees, being chosen for this award is truly humbling and inspiring 🥰⁣

This achievement is monumental for both me and my business, U-Turn Anxiety. ⁣

⁣While I don’t often take the spotlight, today, I’m practising what I teach and celebrating this milestone! 😍🍾⁣

Over the past five years, I’ve poured my heart and soul into building U-Turn Anxiety, and I am incredibly proud of how far we’ve come and excited about where we’re headed.⁣

This award is a powerful acknowledgment of the hard work, dedication, and passion that goes into transforming the lives of anxious kids. 🤗⁣

U-Turn Anxiety was founded to support families to create real change in their lives and this is my driving force.⁣

Every morning, I wake up motivated by the incredible transformations I see in the families we work with. 💖 Helping hundreds of parents of anxious kids has been a rewarding journey, and I am deeply grateful for their trust in us and courage to take action. 

This recognition wouldn't be possible without the unwavering support from so many amazing people:⁣

💗 My husband Nev & Kids: Your love and support mean the world to me.⁣

💗 My Team of Coaches: Your dedication is integral to the transformative work we do.⁣

💗 My Support Team: Your tireless efforts ensure that more families receive the help they need.⁣

💗 The Parents: Your dedication in taking action and working with us to transform your lives is truly inspiring.⁣

💗 The Global Women of Influence Awards 2024 Jury Members: Thank you for this incredible honour.⁣

I am honoured and grateful for this award and recognition! 🤗⁣

This is just the beginning. Together, we will continue to transform families around the world! 😍⁣

​- Sue ☺️

"Before I met Sue, I felt overwhelmed and helpless to support my child through her anxiety journey. After my first session with Sue, I implemented a couple of simple tips and the results were immediate and I wanted more!

Not only has my journey with Sue changed my child's life, and my relationship with my children, I also have a greater understanding of myself and can navigate obstacles more easily now."

- Katherine M.

What U-Turn Anxiety is About

Our Vision

To change the current anxiety paradigm from
Surviving to Thriving in 1 million kids

Our Mission

To change the current anxiety paradigm by Empowering Parents and Educators with the skills they need to Reduce Anxiety in kids so they get to Thrive with Courage and CALM Confidence.

Our Intention

To share science-based, solution-focussed tools
that empower you to turn:

  • Fear → Self-Love
  • ​Resistance → Resilience
  • Over Reaction → Emotional Regulation
  • ​Control → Connection
  • Power Struggles → Cooperation
  • Stress → Harmony & Joy

What U-Turn Anxiety is About

Our Vision

To change the current anxiety paradigm from Surviving to Thriving in 1 million kids

Our Mission

To change the current anxiety paradigm by Empowering Parents and Educators with the skills they need to Reduce Anxiety in kids so they get to Thrive with Courage and CALM Confidence. :)

Our Intention

To share science-based, solution-focussed tools that empower
you to turn:

  • Fear → Self-Love
  • ​Resistance → Resilience
  • Over Reaction → Emotional Regulation
  • ​Control → Connection
  • Power Struggles → Cooperation
  • Stress → Harmony & Joy

How we differ from the current mental health system


❌ Problem focussed
. ​The same old problems keep recurring and even increasing with wellbeing staff run off their feet

Families often face slow progress, with outcomes falling short of their expectations

Parents largely left out of the loop with the child receiving the therapy, yet, the parents still lack the tools to change any problematic family thinking and behaviour patterns

1:1 parent coaching is extremely rare and difficult to access.

❌ The child is deemed as the one with the problem, burdened with having to attend appointments, with frequently changing staff

❌ Long wait lists before receiving support

❌ With stretched resources, those who are in crisis are given priority leaving others waiting with things often becoming worse

❌ ​(Band aid approach) Treating the anxiety related behaviours without getting to the root cause. eg Schools typically punish or rescue students who are struggling to conform with neither approach increasing resilience


✔️ Solution & results focussed.
 Problems are significantly reduced or non-existent after receiving our support

✔️ The families we support make rapid progress with proven results, often beyond what they dreamed was possible

✔️ We empower parents and educators first so that the key adults in children's lives have the skills to empower kids and meet every child where they're at. It’s a win win for all.

✔️ We provide tailored personalised 1:1 coaching support to guide and upskill parents through their unique situation.

✔️ The burden on the child to attend ongoing therapy appointments is reduced significantly

✔️ We have no wait lists. 

✔️ ​When families and educators are empowered with the tools to conquer anxiety, it reduces dependency on external health professionals and systems

✔️ We create unconscious shifts that lead to lifelong generational thinking and behavioural changes.

We're Not Your Typical Anxiety Therapist

​If you’re exhausted from endless Google searches + years of therapy without results – we get it! Here’s what makes U-Turn Anxiety YOUR Solution:

Current Mental Health System

Specialised anxiety support: Based on lived experience, expert training, cutting edge science-based research in the anxiety space


Personalised 1:1 parent coaching support: Tailored, personalised 1:1 coaching is offered to guide and upskill parents to meet their unique family’s needs.


No waitlists: We provide immediate access to support for families.

​Solution- and results-focused: Our approach focuses on finding solutions and achieving outstanding results. Our goal is to reduce or eliminate problems significantly.

Rapid progress with proven results: Families achieve rapid results beyond what they dreamed was possible.

Empowerment of parents: Parents are empowered with the skills they need to empower their children so they can thrive.


Reduced burden on the child: Your child is now NOT deemed as the one with the problem because the load is now shared. This minimises the pressure on your child to attend therapy appointments.

Reduced dependency on external professionals: Our ethos is to strengthen the family support system and reduce reliance on external health professionals.

Lifelong generational changes: Anxiety-related behaviours are treated by addressing the root cause. Unconscious shifts are created, leading to lifelong generational thinking and behaviour changes. We do not promote quick fix, band aid strategies that don’t work long term.


Here's what parents are saying:


Hi, I'm Sue.

I'm an Anxiety Support Specialist for Parents & Kids who enjoyed an extremely rewarding 36-year career in Classroom Teaching, Educational Leadership, Wellbeing, and Anxiety Support Coaching.

Being a mother of 3 and a grandparent of 6, I am passionate about Empowering Parents, Educators, and Kids with the skills they need to reduce anxiety so they get to thrive with Courage and Calm Confidence.

Hi, I'm Sue.

I'm an Anxiety Support Specialist for Parents & Kids who enjoyed an extremely rewarding 36-year career in Classroom Teaching, Educational Leadership, Wellbeing, and Anxiety Support Coaching.

Being a mother of 3 and a grandparent of 6, I am passionate about Empowering Parents, Educators, and Kids with the skills they need to reduce anxiety so they get to thrive with Courage and Calm Confidence.

Save Your Seat For This FREE Class on Tuesday

Discover the exact formula that stops anxiety ruling your child’s life in 90 minutes!

Discover the exact formula that stops anxiety ruling your child’s life in 90 minutes!

U-Turn Anxiety

Check out these HAPPY U-Turns

Everyone is Growing & Improving.
We're not even 3 months in!

Juley's had trouble getting her daughter to school. She wouldn't even leave the house. Juley used to leave her house every morning as she tried to go to work and her daughter would be in heap in the hallway, crying and not being able to manage her day. Then she couldn't get to work. It was a ripple effect, everyone was being affected by what was going on.

  • Fear into Self-Love
  • Resistance into Resilience
  • Over Reaction into Emotional Regulation
  • Control into Connection
  • Power Struggles into Cooperation
  • Stress into Harmony & Joy
U-Turn Anxiety Logo PNG High Resolution Transparency background png
U-Turn Anxiety Logo PNG High Resolution Transparency background png

My child is now thriving!

My child was experiencing debilitating anxiety.
She started to refuse going to school she was complaininng of all sorts of ailments, She was completely depressed, and I just didn't know what to do.

And working in Wellbeing, I thought I had the answers but I didn't. I was becoming really frustrated, and I was say and doing all the wrong things and I really needed help.

So a friend of mine sugguested Sue. From the moment I meet Sue and connected with her, I just knew that she was the person that I needed to help me and support me through this journey.

My life and my child's life is so completely different now. I have a child who is thriving, not only is she thriving, but it happend instantaneously.

Sue, you've change my life & my child's life for the better! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Fear into Self-Love
  • Resistance into Resilience
  • Over Reaction into Emotional Regulation
  • Control into Connection
  • Power Struggles into Cooperation
  • Stress into Harmony & Joy
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Mid Year $1 Offer

I’ll show you just how possible it is
to reduce your child’s anxiety starting TODAY!

Have access to our proven techniques that have helped countless parents calm their anxious child.

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