Sunday, March 26, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
In this video we look at how to change your household’s strategies to manage your anxious child when your whole family is being affected.
As the parent of an anxious child, you’re probably very familiar with this scenario.
Picture this…
There’s a Mum who has an anxious child and she’s struggling with knowing how to help them.
She’s feeling utterly exhausted and stuck because she’s tried everything she can think of to support her child.
What she wants is something that actually works and will make a real difference.
A difference not only for her child, but for everyone in the household as the whole family is being affected.
If this sounds too familiar, please know that there is a solution.
Watch this to-the-point video below now to learn the 3-step strategy to help bring harmony back into your home:
Hello, it's Sue Stevenson here.
Today I want to talk to you about how you can change the strategy that's going on in your household right now.
So… your child's super anxious and you don't know how to help them. You desperately wish you could ease their pain and you'd like nothing more than to wave a magic wand and just make this problem go away for your child. And for your whole family, because you're all suffering from the effects of your child's anxiety right now.
You've tried the soft approach and the hard approach and everything in between.
But absolutely nothing is working. Nothing is changing. And I'm sure you've heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result, right?
So it’s time to try something different.
Here are three things you can do to change what's going on in your household.
Now what do I mean by this?
Well, magical thinking is hoping and wishing that things will just change.
Now, this is a fear mind trap that we can quickly slip into when things aren't going well or when we feel really stuck.
You see, when your child's very young, they can afford to be a magical thinker because they have no big problems or responsibilities. And it's important for us to go through the magical thinking stage in childhood so that we get to learn how to think creatively and solve problems as we take on increased responsibilities when we get older.
It's also helpful for us to imagine and plan for our future.
But if you really want to change things in your household, you, as the adult, must let go of magical thinking… simply hoping and wishing that things are going to get better.
You see, you can't control the way your child thinks, feels and behaves unless you are coming from a place of fear and control and dictatorship. Parenting from a place of fear and control is the old traditional paradigm of parenting which increases further fear and anxiety. And quite honestly, it needs to be eradicated.
So rather than be a controlling parent, if you genuinely want to parent your child with total love and compassion, all you can control is how you respond to your child.
Remember that your child notices everything that you do. So I encourage you to be the example you need to be for your child by responding as calmly as possible. This way tension and emotions don't escalate.
Your child can learn a lot about how to handle their own anxiety and stress by observing how you respond in stressful situations.
Even though you have a very stressed and anxious child who's really pushing your buttons – and trust me, I know first hand how this feels as a parent – this problem is not just about your child.
You see, you simply can't effectively help your child unless you know how to resourcefully handle stress and anxiety yourself.
You can't teach your child any new skill or strategy unless you can do it for yourself, which is why I predominantly work with parents.
See, I believe the most influential person in your child's life is YOU. And because of that, if you want to see change in your household, you need to lead that change.
This isn't just about your child, this is about you, too. And when talking to people, I often ask them to point their finger because they're often talking about the problem out there, but the reality of it is that when you point out there, three fingers are pointing back towards you.
So to sum up, if you want to really start changing things in your household, you need to firstly let go of magical thinking and stop simply wishing and hoping that things are magically going to change.
And then secondly, accept what you can and can't control by controlling how you respond to your child rather than trying to control the way they think, feel and behave.
Then thirdly, start working on yourself first because your child needs you to lead the change. It’s so important that you don't forget this.
Thank you for watching and reading. I trust this video and post have been helpful.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Do you have an anxious child? This video is all about one mistake out of five that parents often make when their child is anxious.
Wednesday, February 01, 2023
3 Parenting Tips to Re-motivate Yourself When You’re Feeling Flat
As the parent of an anxious child, you’re probably very familiar with this scenario.
Picture this…
There’s a Mum who has an anxious child and she’s struggling with knowing how to help them.
She’s feeling utterly exhausted and stuck because she’s tried everything she can think of to support her child.
What she wants is something that actually works and will make a real difference.
A difference not only for her child, but for everyone in the household as the whole family is being affected.
If this sounds too familiar, please know that there is a solution.
Watch this to-the-point video below now to learn the 3-step strategy to help bring harmony back into your home:
Hello, it's Sue Stevenson here.
Today I want to talk to you about how you can change the strategy that's going on in your household right now.
So… your child's super anxious and you don't know how to help them. You desperately wish you could ease their pain and you'd like nothing more than to wave a magic wand and just make this problem go away for your child. And for your whole family, because you're all suffering from the effects of your child's anxiety right now.
You've tried the soft approach and the hard approach and everything in between.
But absolutely nothing is working. Nothing is changing. And I'm sure you've heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result, right?
So it’s time to try something different.
Here are three things you can do to change what's going on in your household.
Now what do I mean by this?
Well, magical thinking is hoping and wishing that things will just change.
Now, this is a fear mind trap that we can quickly slip into when things aren't going well or when we feel really stuck.
You see, when your child's very young, they can afford to be a magical thinker because they have no big problems or responsibilities. And it's important for us to go through the magical thinking stage in childhood so that we get to learn how to think creatively and solve problems as we take on increased responsibilities when we get older.
It's also helpful for us to imagine and plan for our future.
But if you really want to change things in your household, you, as the adult, must let go of magical thinking… simply hoping and wishing that things are going to get better.
You see, you can't control the way your child thinks, feels and behaves unless you are coming from a place of fear and control and dictatorship. Parenting from a place of fear and control is the old traditional paradigm of parenting which increases further fear and anxiety. And quite honestly, it needs to be eradicated.
So rather than be a controlling parent, if you genuinely want to parent your child with total love and compassion, all you can control is how you respond to your child.
Remember that your child notices everything that you do. So I encourage you to be the example you need to be for your child by responding as calmly as possible. This way tension and emotions don't escalate.
Your child can learn a lot about how to handle their own anxiety and stress by observing how you respond in stressful situations.
Even though you have a very stressed and anxious child who's really pushing your buttons – and trust me, I know first hand how this feels as a parent – this problem is not just about your child.
You see, you simply can't effectively help your child unless you know how to resourcefully handle stress and anxiety yourself.
You can't teach your child any new skill or strategy unless you can do it for yourself, which is why I predominantly work with parents.
See, I believe the most influential person in your child's life is YOU. And because of that, if you want to see change in your household, you need to lead that change.
This isn't just about your child, this is about you, too. And when talking to people, I often ask them to point their finger because they're often talking about the problem out there, but the reality of it is that when you point out there, three fingers are pointing back towards you.
So to sum up, if you want to really start changing things in your household, you need to firstly let go of magical thinking and stop simply wishing and hoping that things are magically going to change.
And then secondly, accept what you can and can't control by controlling how you respond to your child rather than trying to control the way they think, feel and behave.
Then thirdly, start working on yourself first because your child needs you to lead the change. It’s so important that you don't forget this.
Thank you for watching and reading. I trust this video and post have been helpful.
Save your seat for this
Tuesday, Feb 11th
Friday, February 17, 2023
Do you have an anxious child? This video is all about one mistake out of five that parents often make when their child is anxious.
Wednesday, February 01, 2023
3 Parenting Tips to Re-motivate Yourself When You’re Feeling Flat
I’ll show you just how possible it is
to reduce your child’s anxiety starting TODAY!
Have access to our proven techniques that have helped countless parents calm their anxious child.
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